Longtown ICC Meet the third sector event
Thursday 23rd January 2025 12 noon to 2pm (set up from 11.30am)
Longtown Community Centre, Arthuret Rd, Longtown, CA6 5SJ
Space for 30+ organisations - a great opportunity for third sector groups to connect with colleagues from health and care services and to showcase their services. Third sector groups/organisations are to book a table space at the event .
This event has been requested by statutory sector staff from Longtown ICC. Staff from NCIC (including district nurses, OT’s, physios, specialist respiratory etc services) local GP surgeries (including nurses, care navigators, social prescribers) CNTW, ASC (including Reablement & social work staff), HAWCs, local home care agencies & care homes, NWAS, CHOC etc will all be invited and encouraged to attend by their managers (staff in these categories do not need to book).
We are keen to get 20 or more local organisations together for the event.
SORRY - we are not able to offer any power/sockets for stall holders
If you would like to know more about the event please contact:
Clare Edwards claree@cumbriacvs.org.uk
Sarah Penn sarah.penn@cumbriacvs.org.uk
Holly Ferguson HollyF@cumbriacvs.org.uk
Arthuret Rd
Carlisle, CA6 5SJ
United Kingdom